My role here is the one of a mediator bridging the gap that sometimes can exist between two people, couples, and family members when direct communication has repeatedly failed between them.
As a non-judgmental partner of all involved parties, I support my clients during these coaching processes in resolving conflicts in the long term.
In all areas of life, strengthening one’s personality (personal empowerment) is the most important prerequisite on which success and failure depend.
I am convinced that we are our best teacher. When the student is ready, he or she will teach himself or herself.
If they are not ready, they will not learn anything. As a coach I can accompany the teacher and the student within these learning processes and give them the support they need in order to fulfill their aspirations.
Coaching, in this sense, means nothing more than providing access and creating space for:
Dissolving negative patterns, blockages, conflicts and fears.
Linking resources (which already exist in each one of us).
Forming new (your own and thus true) beliefs and goal sets.
Creating new skills or linking existing skills with one another.
The ultimate objective:
the (further) development OUT OF YOURSELF emerges sustainably, and thus works in everyday life. The client will never have to ask, “what did I learn in coaching and how should I use it now? ”The change happens “on its own”. You as a client have the change competence and as a coach, I have the methodical competence.
and IMAGO-dialogue
The Imago therapy, which was established by Dr Harville Hendrix and his wife Dr Helen LaKelly Hunt in the 1980s, finds its most important thesis in the fact that the true intention of the subconscious mind when choosing a partner (if it is voluntary and based on romantic attraction) is to ‘close off’ one’s own childhood.
The choice of partner is therefore the result of an unconscious similarity between the inner image of our parents/reference person that we built up in our childhood (we call it ‘IMAGO’) and the character traits of an attractive partner.
This similarity is the decisive factor when choosing a partner, because our subconscious goal is to regain the feeling of ‘wholeness’ by resuming the personal and transpersonal relationship that remained unfulfilled in our childhood due to need frustration.
We bring our unfulfilled childhood needs into our adult life and into our partnership in the hope that they will now be fulfilled. However, the person we fall in love with has similar limitations and imperfections to our parents/former attachment figures, and so disappointments from our childhood are usually reawakened.
The Imago theory opens up another possibility here: to strive for a conscious marriage / responsible partnership in which both become aware that their own growth consists of fulfilling the unfulfilled needs of the other.
The most important tool for this is the Imago dialogue. This strengthens the trust and connection between the two. My task as an Imago Professional Facilitator is to guide both partners through the Imago dialogue back to the stage at which the hurt occurred and an important need remained unfulfilled.
This strengthens the trust and connection between the two. In this way, they can heal each other, resume the developmental process of their childhood and reach a place where emotional and personal ‘wholeness’ can be experienced. My task as an Imago Professional Facilitator is to guide both partners through the Imago dialogue back to the stage at which the hurt occurred and an important need remained unfulfilled. From this point, the resources are then gradually strengthened so that the connection with the social and natural order can be consciously re-established. Experiencing and regularly applying the Imago dialogue strengthens the couple and opens up new, more mature relationship paths through the process of awareness.
The program of my coaching is designed in such a way that I will accompany you during the process of delving into the deepest spheres of your mind, enabling you to identify the hidden resources, which are already lying within YOU, and then activating them. Activating your own resources is needed in order to face any change in your current life circumstances. This is where I come in and by mainly applying the « St. Gall Coaching Model (SCM)® » during my coaching sessions, I support my clients in looking at their “blind spots”, where they will find out what lies beneath any unwillingness and impossibility to change.
St. Gall Coaching Model (SCM) ®
Three independent scientific studies validated the “St. Gall Coaching Model (SCM)® », in 2011, 2014 and 2017, thus clearly confirming its long-term efficacy.

Value-oriented Coaching
In contrast to most coaching forms which are applied nowadays, which are goal-oriented, this is value-oriented coaching. Based on this methodology, we assume that we humans primarily want to multiply and fulfill our individual values, or try to avoid harm to our values from the outside. Therefore, goals, seen from this perspective, are only functions of our deepest values.
At various levels, always based on the value initially chosen and developed by the client in a specific context, all processes are systemically linked. Given the fact that the entire system is included and considered within the coaching processes allows the results to be sustainable and my clients can automatically transfer what they learnt during the sessions in their everyday life.
All development-relevant elements and their relationship structures as well as dynamics are included and considered in the development process. This is a method that allows me to coach independently of context, because as a coach what I do is process work on the personality and identity level. All processes follow a clearly defined structure and are solution-oriented as well as resource-oriented. This means that I will never consult and give advice at the content level.
Learn more
In principle, we humans are not bound or constrained by anything but internalized imprints and beliefs that we have adopted through others. Such beliefs are often difficult for us to identify and recognize because they are so profoundly integrated into our everyday lives, often since our early childhood. It is difficult for us to obtain the necessary distance from them to be able to identify them in the first place.
Why the path leads through knowledge and realization
Greater knowledge and insight of ourselves enables us to free ourselves from the shackles of our own thoughts and constraints, allowing us to transcend our outer boundaries with the resources we have. Our natural talents and abilities are already anchored within us, but are often hidden just below the surface.
Winston Churchill once said, « The price of greatness is responsibility. »
Once we recognize why we are dissatisfied, why we really suffer, or why we keep attracting certain (unwanted) situations and/or people over and over in our lives, we bear the responsibility of doing everything to change those undesirable situations and circumstances.
Veritable insight allows us to « avoid » painful experiences and prevent them from entering our lives.
During the coaching process you will acquire a variety of new techniques and strategies that will allow you to rectify « incorrect » beliefs which most of the time are old and often deadlocked convictions.
Time frame and investment
If you would like to hire me as your coach, I invite you to schedule a complimentary 30-minute meeting either in person or over a video-call during which we will discuss your coaching expectations. During this session, after having taken into consideration your request as well as the context and complexity of the topic, I will inform you as to the number of sessions required for the entire coaching process. The first session can begin immediately following this introductory session upon request. The number of needed sessions can vary between 1 to 16. Each session lasts about 1.5 hours.
Each coaching process is an investment in ourselves.
If you are willing to invest in yourself, the fees listed under each coaching service provide you with a guideline.
The fees listed under each coaching service include the time taken for preparation and follow-up between respective coaching sessions.